May 04, 2018 saying, “April showers bring May flowers” is true, especially to us in the Midwest. Spring storms like thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail and tornadoes are inevitable and often times unpredictable. When severe weather strikes with little notice the risk of injury to yourself and damages to your property greatly increases. Here are some helpful tips to help protect you, loved ones and property during the next ‘April shower.’



Keep yourself and loved ones safe

Monitor the weather by downloading an app for emergency info (American Red Cross or

  • If severe weather strikes, go to the lowest level in your home and stay away from windows and glass

Never use electronics during a storm and avoid touching metal objects

  • Conduct a home inventory (photos, video) of your personal belongings for insurance purposes and store in a safety deposit box or cloud-system
  • Install a sump pump with a battery backup system

Prepare a basic emergency kit

  • Bottled water (one gallon per person for up to three days)
  • Three-day supply of non-perishable food (don’t forget a can opener, disposable plates and utensils)
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Battery powered radio
  • Blankets
  • Important documents in a waterproof container — insurance policies, medical records, identification

Help avoid a property claim

  • Clean out your gutters, drains and downspouts so that rain can flow off your roof
  • Inspect downspouts so they’re properly secured and placed for water to flow away from your house
  • Trim trees and shrubs away from all structures
  • Have a professional inspect your roof and repair loose shingles
  • Secure outdoor patio furniture or other objects that could be moved by strong winds
  • Get all contents off the ground in flood prone areas
  • If a loss occurs, secure the area from further damage right away


Read and understand your homeowner and auto insurance policies, especially your deductibles

Talk with your independent insurance agent to make sure you have the appropriate amount of insurance coverage

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