May 03, 2018

The holiday season is a time for family and friends to get together. That also means there is an increase risk to fire. We’ve pulled together few simple steps to help ensure a fire-safe holiday season.

Holiday Decorations

  1. Choose decorations that are flame resistant or flame retardant.
  2. Most lights are only for indoor or outdoor use, but not both. Check the labels to be sure.
  3. Use clips, not nailsto hang lights. Nails can cause damage to the lights.
  4. Read the manufacturer’s instructionsfor the maximum number of light strands you can connect together.

Holiday Entertaining

  1. Tell your overnight guestsabout your homes’ fire escape plan.
  2. Two of every five home decoration fires are started by candles. Don’t leave an open flame unattended!
  3. Stay in the kitchenwhen cooking on the stovetop, it’s easy to get distracted and forget to watch what’s cooking.
  4. Do not put wrapping paperin fire places or near heat vents.

Christmas Tree

  1. Make sure your tree isat least three feet away from things like fireplaces, radiators, candles, and heat vents.
  2. Make sure your tree is not blocking an exit.
  3. Add water daily!Keeping your tree fresh will help prevent it from drying out and becoming more of a fire hazard.
  4. Use lights that are marked “Tested by a Qualified Testing Laboratory”.
  5. Turn off your Christmas tree lightsbefore leaving your home or going to bed.
  6. Do not discard your treein your garage, even for a short period. Dried-out trees are a fire danger.

Our wish for everyone is for a festive and safe holiday season.


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