May 04, 2018

Spooky skeletons, carved pumpkins, high-tech LED lights and broomstick-riding witches are sure signs that Halloween is on its way. While Halloween is full of fun festivities, it is still important to prepare your property for this night to avoid insurance claims and lawsuits. Here are some tips to protect your home and ensure safety:

#1 Keep the Lights On

While Halloween is all about dark and spooky, it is important to keep your property adequately lit so that trick-or-treaters and other visitors can avoid falls or other injuries. This will help you avoid a liability claim.

#2 Decorate Responsibility

It is fun to decorate the home for Halloween and to see other decorations for Halloween; however, it is important to be mindful of decoration safety, as well as decoration appropriateness. Some decorations around Halloween time become highly controversial, so just keep it fun and playful. Fog machines and strobe lights also make it harder for trick-or-treaters and visitors to see, so make sure to test that getting on and off your property is easy and safe for everyone.

#3 Avoid Open Flames

While creating a dimly lit atmosphere with candlelight sure does give the home a nice Halloween ambiance, hazards come with open flames. Trick-or-treaters costumes could catch fire on them and house fires could occur if the flame spreads to unwanted areas. Try using LED lights to create the same effect as a flame! It would be nice to avoid a homeowner insurance claim, as well as liability claims.


#4 Picking a Costume

Being able to dress up as something or someone you’ve always wanted to be, and letting your creativity run wild while putting together a costume is the best on Halloween!

Here are some important things to remember:

  • Use flame-resistant fabrics such as nylon or polyester
  • Don’t wear super long or baggy costumes that could cause trips or falls
  • Try to wear reflective tape or carry a flashlight so you are visible to motorists
  • Make sure face or body paint does not contain anything that could cause an allergic reaction

#5 Pet Awareness

Some pets may not like all the doorbell ringing and strangers coming to the house. To minimize the risk of your pet becoming too territorial or trying to run away due to frequent opening of the door, consider putting your pet in a comfortable area of the house where they can relax. A pet liability claim or trying to chase down a runaway pet would sure ruin your Halloween fun.


#6 Trick-or-Treating

It is best to serve candy or other treats that are prepackaged on Halloween. You are responsible for the items you hand out that night, make sure they are safe! Additionally, serving a healthier treat alternative on that night wouldn’t hurt either. An all-natural fruit strip perhaps?

#7 Drive Cautiously

More accidents happen during Halloween night than any night of the year. If you happen to be driving, be mindful of your surroundings; those precious princesses, ghosts and witches want to make it through their night accident free.

#8 Home Security

Halloween is a prime time for burglaries and mischief to happen. If you plan on being away from your home this Halloween, make sure to set your security alarms, activate motion-censored lights and inform a trusted neighbor that you will be gone.

Finally, don’t forget to check your Homeowners Insurance!

Finding out your coverage is not complete after you have a claim is not ideal. Check with your insurance agent today to make sure you are fully protected this holiday season!

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