May 03, 2018 all of the beauty that winter brings, it consequently brings hazards as well. During winter months, parking lot hazards increase due to dropping temperatures, snow, ice, and less daylight. Unfortunately, if accidents do happen on your property, you could be liable.

To ensure that your customers and employees have a great experience at your business, make sure to protect their safety by following these steps:

Plan Ahead and Stay Active

Don’t wait for a snowstorm to pass until you start to clear snow. Removing snow as soon as possible reduces the chance for ice to form under any snow build up. And when a large snowstorm is predicted and you don’t have the tools to clear heavy snow yourself, call a snow removal service to do the job for you.

Identify Trouble Spots

Cracks or potholes in your parking lots are the perfect place for snow and ice to accumulate. Make sure to pay special attention to these areas when clearing snow and ice.

Invest in the Right Equipment

Investing in the right equipment, such as snow blowers, snowplows, and shovels, will make clearing snow easier and more efficient. Having a variety of equipment will make clearing snow in different parts of your site easier as well.

Invest In Ice Melt

Ice melt is essential to have in the winter for parking lot safety. Having ice in your parking lot can lead to slips and falls, which could end up causing serious injuries. There are many different approaches to combating ice in the winter, find a method that works best for you.

Light Up Your Lot

Proper lighting in parking lots is essential in winter months due to the sun rising later and setting earlier. Lower the chance of injuries by making sure your customers and employees can easily see where they are going.

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