When you insure an automobile, boat, or recreational vehicle, your agent will ask you if you want comprehensive and/or collision coverage. Do you know what you are agreeing to, or declining?
Comprehensive coverage includes covering claims from wind, hail, fire, theft, vandalism, animal strikes and glass breakage. It’s the things you have no control over. The exception to that rule is hit and run. Hit and run is considered a collision loss.
Collision is what happens when you damage your vehicle. For example when you back into a post, or you hit another car.
Both collision and other than collision coverage includes a deductible. The higher the deductible you choose the lower your premium. Your agent can give you the difference between deductibles.
If you have a loan against your vehicle most lenders will require you to carry comprehensive and collision coverage. They may also state that your deductible may not be above a set amount.
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