May 04, 2018 (Construction, Occupancy, Protection and Exposures) is a way to classify real property for the purposes of insuring it as an asset. In order to do this correctly, a district needs to create a list of questions including:

May 04, 2018 best to protect and make their property as “marketable as possible” to the insurance carriers who underwrite their coverage.

May 04, 2018

Workers compensation can be a large expense for small businesses. It’s not uncommon for small business owners, especially new business owners, to exclude themselves from coverage on their own company’s workers’ compensation policy to reduce the expense. The assumption is that their health insurance will cover any injuries they suffer while working. The truth is that most health insurance policies do not cover work related injuries. The benefit for lost wages provided by a workers compensation policy is often overlooked during this cost/benefit analysis. Most disability policies also exclude work related disability as well. Can you afford to go without health insurance and disability insurance when you are most at risk?

May 04, 2018

Rental car companies can be quick to offer insurance on your rented vehicle, but is it really necessary?

TRICOR Insurance has created a 12 point checklist intended to help you understand the protections provided by your personal auto policy*.

May 04, 2018

One of the smartest decisions a company can make is ensuring that their work space is safe. Workplace safety is extremely important for many reasons. When implemented correctly, it has the ability to create a more productive work environment, lower absenteeism, and boost profit margins. Most importantly, when a company has a safe workplace, their most valuable asset is protected – its people.

May 04, 2018

Spooky skeletons, carved pumpkins, high-tech LED lights and broomstick-riding witches are sure signs that Halloween is on its way. While Halloween is full of fun festivities, it is still important to prepare your property for this night to avoid insurance claims and lawsuits. Here are some tips to protect your home and ensure safety:

May 04, 2018 old proverb says“Don’t cry over spilled milk.” While it’s certainly a waste of time and energy to cry over it, you should take spills very seriously—especially those in the workplace. Whether you spill milk, coffee, oil or chemicals, any kind of workplace spill can lead to serious problems or injuries. Not only could your workers slip and fall, but they may also be exposed to dangerous substances and fumes. 

May 04, 2018 saying, “April showers bring May flowers” is true, especially to us in the Midwest. Spring storms like thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail and tornadoes are inevitable and often times unpredictable. When severe weather strikes with little notice the risk of injury to yourself and damages to your property greatly increases. Here are some helpful tips to help protect you, loved ones and property during the next ‘April shower.’

May 04, 2018

With just a couple of weeks left to go, now is the time to start thinking about some year-end tax moves you can make. We have some ideas for you to think about before the year is over.

May 04, 2018

Unlike some life insurance pricing variables that are out of your control, such as your age or gender, blood pressure is a factor that lifestyle choices can positively impact. Even if high blood pressure runs in your family, a healthy lifestyle can keep yours in check and lower your insurance rates! One of the best steps you can take is limiting foods loaded with sodium, which has a particularly negative impact on blood pressure.


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